
Université Aix-Marseille / Universidad de Buenos Aires

The psychoanalytic clinic through cinema
the suffering in the register of the singular (violence, psychoanalysis, cinema)

Emerge. The traumatic image in Gus Van Sant
Paranoid Park | Gus Van Sant | 2007

Freudian metapsychology, cinematographic act
Secrets of a Soul | Georg Wilhelm Pabst | 1926

In the images interstices
Los deseos concebidos | Cristián Sánchez | 1982

The subject of the trauma
L’image manquante | Rithy Panh | 2013

LESA, EA3274, Aix-Marseille Université

The hypothesis of the hidden painting
Caché | Michael Haneke | 2005

Mad Men and the reality of women: a historical analysis
Mad Men | Matthew Weiner | 2007-2015

Virtual image, real image
Dunkerque | Christopher Nolan | 2017

Sigmund Freud as Spectator of Charles Chaplin. Identity in the Difference
The Kid | Charles Chaplin | 1921

Dr. en Psicología por la UBA. Profesor Titular Regular Psicología, Ética y Derechos Humanos e Investigador Categoría I Programa UBACyT. Co-Director de Ética y Cine Journal, Aesthethika y JAHR Revista Europea de Bioética. Director del partenariado UBA del Centre d´Études du Vivant, Université Paris VII.